LIABILITY RELEASE: LIABILITY RELEASE: By signing I will assume all risks at the Utah Film Academy Conservatory Program located at 2901 W. Bluegrass Blvd, Suite 202, Lehi, Utah 84043. I hereby hold harmless and forever discharge their employees or agents, celebrity team, administrators, successors and assigns, from any and all manner of actions, liabilities, suits, debts, accounts, damages, judgements, executions, or demands, whatsoever in law or equity or otherwise, against Utah Film Academy, including attorney’s fees brought as a result of participating in classes, annual programs, and talent agency. By signing registration and/or participating, you agree that you understand that you are not guaranteed work. When represented by an agency, the Agent is the middleman between the talent and the client. The client makes decisions on the talent booked. Our job at Utah Talent Academy is to make you more easily accessible and visible to clients so that you can get jobs, but we do not make the final decision on castings. Utah Talent Academy does not offer refunds.
CANCELATION POLICY: Cancelation of contract is prohibited. In approved emergencies if annual contract is canceled, discounts do not apply and the rate reverts back to $75 per class. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that thus is the best program for him/her and that the student’s weekly and annual schedule allows for participation in this program.